12 Scientific Reasons Why You Should Drink Black Coffee Every Day

Although there are many articles that
say the dangers of consuming coffee, there are also many articles that say the
benefits of consuming black coffee. Maybe what we should pay attention to is
the type of coffee we consume. Is it black coffee or milk coffee or sachet
coffee or contemporary coffee (whatever the term is)?

Because in my opinion, if we really consume fresh black coffee without a
mixture of sugar or milk, then there are many benefits that we can feel. This
time I want to discuss 12 scientific reasons why you should drink black coffee
every day. Previously, I want to make sure again, the black coffee referred to
here is pure black coffee without a mixture of sugar and milk. Truly black
coffee. What are the reasons?

1. Healthy
Liver Organ Functions

Unlike drinking alcohol, it turns out that drinking black coffee every day
can nourish your liver function. It has been proven that individuals who drink
at least 3 cups of dark espresso each day will have a 80{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561} lower shot at
creating cirrhosis (a condition wherein the liver is harmed by scar tissue). In
addition, by consuming the same amount, the chances of developing liver cancer
are 40{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561} lower. Amazing isn’t it?

2. Make Smarter

Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine is a psychoactive stimulant. When we
drink black coffee, caffeine enters our digestive tract, then into our
bloodstream. and finally into our brain (this process takes about 30-45
minutes). And when caffeine hits our brain, it will block one of the inhibitory
neurotransmitters in our brain, namely Adenosine.

That is why, when we drink black coffee, our concentration increases again.
You feel the same way too right?

3. Increase Body Metabolism up to 11{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561}

Want to lose weight? try black coffee. Because it turns out that the
caffeine in coffee is directly proven as a substance that can burn fat. So it
can help us lose weight.

But that doesn’t mean that just by drinking black coffee, you will lose
weight immediately. You also have to balance it with regular exercise and
maintain a healthy diet. But at least drinking black coffee will help you lose
weight. Dare to try? Remember, pure black coffee without milk and sugar. Not
coffee milk or modern iced coffee.

4. Provides Essential Nutrients for the Body

When we drink pure black coffee, it turns out that this is also the largest
source of antioxidants for our bodies. Because some important nutrients also
enter our body, such as: Vitamin B2, B3, B5, Manga, Magnesium and Potassium.

5. Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Keep in mind, you will not get this benefit if the content of the coffee you
drink is half a cup of sugar, half a cup of milk, half a cup of coffee. But if
you drink pure black coffee without a mixture then research shows an average 7{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561}
reduced risk of diabetes for each cup. Let’s drink pure black coffee with fueled by coffee.

6. Reduces Parkinson’s Risk

No one wants to get a neurodegenerative disease – especially those whose
family members have experienced it. Parkinson’s is associated with a drop of
dopamine. And because black coffee can increase dopamine levels in our brains,
drinking black coffee can reduce the chances of developing Parkinson’s.

Regular pure black coffee drinkers without sugar and milk have been shown to
have a 32-60{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561} reduced chance of developing Parkinson’s.

7. Reduces Depression and Makes Happier

Remember, pure black coffee contains a lot of caffeine, and caffeine will
increase the dopamine in our brain. Dopamine is generally known as the
“happiness chemical”. So it makes sense that if we consume something that can
increase dopamine it will make us happy and not depressed. Have you ever felt
the same way? If not, replace your coffee with pure black coffee without sugar
and milk.

People who drank 3 or more cups of coffee had a 20{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561} lower chance of
developing depression, and 50{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561} less likely to commit suicide. In fact, drinking
pure black coffee is a lifesaver, so when you meet a depressed person or
friend, invite him or her to drink pure black coffee. Hehe

8. Lowering the Risk of Getting Cancer

Besides being able to reduce the risk of developing liver cancer, because
coffee can nourish the function of the liver. It turns out that black coffee
can also reduce the risk

have colorectal cancer or colon cancer. People who drank 3 or more cups of
black coffee a day had a 15{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561} lower risk of colorectal cancer or colon cancer
and a 40{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561} lower risk of liver cancer.

In addition, coffee can also reduce the risk of skin cancer by 20{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561},
especially in women. Are you sure you don’t want to drink pure black coffee?

9. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

People who drink coffee regularly have a 20{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561} lower risk of stroke and
generally have lower rates of heart disease. Because caffeine increases our
heart rate, coffee is actually good for heart health. It’s just the type of
coffee that needs to be considered.

Drinking a few cups of coffee a day has the same effect as going for a walk,
which will make our heart healthy. But don’t use it as an excuse not to
exercise. Still must be balanced with exercise.

10. Cleansing the Digestive System in the Body

It turns out that coffee is a diuretic (it functions to remove excess salt
and water from the body through urine). By drinking coffee often, we will also
urinate frequently. Of course this will be good for our bodies, because it will
keep the digestive system clean. Because the human body often gets rid of
harmful viruses and bacteria in this way. And it is proven that people who
often drink black coffee are less likely to get sick.

11. Make It More Calm

Let alone drinking black coffee, just smelling the aroma of coffee beans
makes us calm. Is it right? Actually the coffee has changed the composition of
proteins in the brain that are associated with stress due to lack of sleep.
Say, who uses coffee beans as air freshener? Do you feel calm?

12. Reduces the Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Coffee in general will improve memory, due to the presence of caffeine in
some neurotransmitters in the brain. By continuing to improve memory over time
over the years, we will reduce the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s.

It is proven, regular coffee drinkers have a 65{8f88e5b5da9605a9a7428c5975c38930642a70b6534bd5bbb2be95313c655561} reduced risk of developing
the most common neurodegenerative diseases (Dementia and Alzheimer’s) in the
World. Let’s drink pure black coffee.

There are so many benefits that we can get from consuming pure black coffee.
It’s just that we need to pay attention to the type of coffee we consume. We
recommend that you consume pure black coffee without any mixture. Because
actually what makes drinking coffee bad is the mixture that is added to the

If you can’t drink black coffee without sugar straight away because it’s too
bitter, you can reduce the sugar little by little. If today you use 1
tablespoon of sugar, tomorrow you can reduce it to half a tablespoon. And so on
like that until you get used to drinking pure black coffee without sugar and

And consume fresh black coffee, don’t consume sachet (instant) coffee,
because sachet (instant) coffee also contains ingredients that are not healthy
for your body. In some types of coffee sachets (instant) also contain corn
kernels, sugar, and milk.